manroland GOSS

Controls upgrade – Muller Martini ‘Zenith S 3 Knifer Trimmer’

Controls upgrade – Muller Martini ‘Zenith S 3 Knifer Trimmer’

Keeping your equipment running is what we do best.

Recently our team developed an upgrade solution to modernize the outdated B&R 2005 controls platform on Muller Martini – ‘Zenith S 3 knife Trimmer’.

A widely used trimmer application in book, catalogue and magazine production.

CPI Books is a leading book printing company with multiple locations across UK and Europe, the Zenith trimmers are an integral part of their book production process


  • Existing controls equipment was obsolete


  • Customer was finding it increasingly difficult to support


What we did:

  • Site Survey – Design Engineer on site to detail machine Functionallity & Operation


  • Supply of necessary components for PLC upgrade from B&R 2005 to B&R X20


  • Upgraded with latest B&R 10.5 -inch colour TFT HMI


  • Software Engineering – intuitive operator controls, improved alarms, messaging & diagnostics


  • System test prior to shipment and site implementation


  • Installation and commissioning


  • Project Management


The newly upgraded equipment is provided with remote access for effective support.


What the customer had to say:

—“Its been a pleasure working with the manroland Goss team, they understood the challenges we were facing with obsolescence and have provided a modern controls solution that ensures we can maintain production on this generation of trimmer for years to come.  All implemented with minimal impact to our production.” —–  Wesley Dennehy – CPI Books Group Bindery Director.


We are always interested in exploring ways in which we can bring improvements to productivity & efficiency savings to the print & packaging industry & beyond….


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